How Long Do You Have To Pay Alimony In Colorado?

How long a person must pay alimony (maintenance) is based in large part on how long the marriage lasted. Colorado legislators developed guidelines to help judges determine how much alimony should be paid and for how long. However, the guidelines are not mandatory and judges still retain discretion when it comes to the duration of…

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Can Alimony Be Modified Or Terminated In Colorado?

When alimony (also called spousal maintenance or spousal support) is awarded to one spouse during or after a divorce it is intended to provide financial support until the receiving spouse can become financially independent. Maintenance payments may continue for a specific length of time or until a specific event takes place. In some cases, they…

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How Relocation Disputes Impact Children

Separation and divorce can be difficult on children, no matter how smoothly the process goes. Moving away from what you know can be equally difficult, but the impact on your children can be significant regarding relocation disputes. Still, several factors can affect your child’s experience and how that impacts them. At Danielsen Westhoff, our Broomfield move-away…

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Can I Transfer My Family Court Case to Another State? 

Divorcing spouses and children of divorced parents may no longer live in the state where court decrees impacting a divorce or child custody originate. Transferring a family court case to Colorado or the state you plan to reside in may be more beneficial if you are moving and anticipate enforcement or modification assistance. A Broomfield family…

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5 Signs it is Time to Hire a Divorce Attorney in Broomfield 

Most couples who divorce see signs that their marriage is on unsteady ground long before severing their marital relationship. For more than two decades, gathering information about the signs indicating it is time to hire a Broomfield divorce lawyer allows our Colorado family law team to provide insightful views into what actions should prompt you to reach…

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