How to locate a missing noncustodial parent
In Colorado and across the United States, failure to pay child support becomes an issue when it is difficult to find the supporting parent. It is important to ascertain the noncustodial parent’s physical address, and locating the noncustodial parent involves research via various documents. Providing information to the county Child Support Enforcement Unit can help locate a missing parent. For instance, CSEU employees will want to know the noncustodial parent’s first, middle and last name and all previous names.
Locating the noncustodial parent is often in the best interests of the child. Other useful information needed because of delinquent payments includes the noncustodial parent’s previous physical address, landline phone number and cellphone number. Custodial parents should provide the other parent’s residential phone number and a work-related phone number if known. Finding a missing parent is easier if the custodial parent provides the noncustodial parent’s Social Security number.
If the custodial parent does not know the noncustodial parent’s Social Security number, it is possible to find the number on a paycheck stub, credit card application, hospital record or income tax return. It is also helpful to know the noncustodial parent’s birth date plus the name of the city, county and state in which the individual was born. In a difficult child support dispute, the mother’s maiden name and the father’s full name provide useful information. In addition, it is helpful to provide a recent photograph.
Information pertaining to the noncustodial parent’s checking account or investment account is also beneficial. Another way to find information is via an insurance policy. In any type of issue regarding child support, the custodial parent may wish to consult with a family law attorney. Discussing the issue with a lawyer may result in a satisfactory solution to the problem.