Are alimony orders adjustable?

Post-divorce finances can prove to be a struggle for most people, regardless if they reside in Colorado or elsewhere. Alimony will help some individuals with the difficult task of providing for themselves when their marriages come to an end. This is something that can be included in a divorce settlement, if one meets all the…

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Mediation can be a win-win in Colorado divorce

Mediation is a dispute-resolution method in which two parties attempt to negotiate a settlement with the assistance of a professional, neutral mediator specially trained in helping parties in conflict resolve differences in position and navigate through communication impasses. Mediation can be a good idea for divorcing spouses, offering the likelihood of less stress and lower…

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Negotiating the division of retirement assets in divorce

Working out matters related to property division and other financial obligations in divorce cases requires careful negotiation and planning. Splitting up assets can be complicated in practice, and parties may need to be flexible in coming up with an acceptable agreement. For instance, a couple may negotiate the division of retirement assets to satisfy family…

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When Divorce And Taxes Meet

A divorce will affect all aspects of your life, and you will be reminded of this at tax time when you file your first return post-split. Whether you recently ended your marriage, or are planning to do so soon, it is important that you understand the major tax implications of a change in your marital…

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