How to ready your finances for divorce

Your life changes the second you decide to divorce. Even if you feel that it’s in your best interest, you can’t help but think about the impact it will have on your personal life and finances in the future. There are many steps you can take to ready your finances for divorce, all of which…

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Coronavirus and Custody

It is an uncertain time for everyone in the nation, but especially for those who find themselves sharing custody of children. The current Colorado “stay at home” order makes sharing custody even more complicated. The order allows for current custody orders to be followed with no interference. However, sometimes this directive isn’t as easy as…

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Deciding “who gets the kids” in a Colorado divorce

For any Colorado couple with minor children, the possibility of divorce raises a number of important questions. Perhaps the most important question is determining the allocation of parental responsibilities following the divorce. Parental responsibilities may strike the ear as a bit unfamiliar because in 1999, the Colorado legislature abolished the familiar term “child custody” and…

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