Fathers and child custody issues

Most fathers living in Colorado and around the country are deeply committed to their children. Unfortunately, in cases where parents divorce or do not live together, fathers may feel shortchanged when it comes to relationships with their kids. The frustration these men feel is often tied to one of two things: a lack of time…

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The top regrets of people who divorce

People who divorce do so for a variety of reasons. Whether a couple splits up because of money problems, infidelity or just growing apart, it can be a difficult process. This is the case even when it is clearly the best path forward for everyone involved. Though some people say that divorce came out of…

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How to locate a missing noncustodial parent

In Colorado and across the United States, failure to pay child support becomes an issue when it is difficult to find the supporting parent. It is important to ascertain the noncustodial parent’s physical address, and locating the noncustodial parent involves research via various documents. Providing information to the county Child Support Enforcement Unit can help…

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The purpose of The Hague Abduction Convention.

Colorado has strict laws regarding child abduction, including abduction during custody and visitation disputes. Law enforcement can become involved and criminal penalties may be placed on a perpetrator. When child abduction occurs on an international level, a different set of rules apply. Separate governments, legal jurisdictions and different laws may arise. A custody order signed…

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