Colorado Divorce FAQ

What To Know About Colorado Divorce

Attorneys Karli Danielsen and Daniel Westhoff are the right choice for your divorce proceedings. Our Broomfield divorce lawyers help families like yours through filing for divorce, division of property and any post-divorce negotiations. To help you better, we’ve answered some of our most commonly received questions about divorce.

How Long Does Divorce Take?

In Colorado, there are many types of divorce. In an uncontested divorce, your proceedings may take as little as 91 days to process. Contested divorce may take longer. For Colorado to accept a filing for divorce, at least one spouse must be a Colorado resident for a minimum of three months; this may extend your process.

Does Someone Need To Be At Fault?

No. Colorado is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you do not need to prove grounds for divorce. Fault can be considered, however, when it comes to determining certain financial matters in a case.

Do I Have To Go To Court?

In some cases, you may be eligible to request a divorce without going before a judge. To learn more about this option, contact our office. In cases involving domestic abuse or other restraining orders, exceptions may also apply.

What Will Happen To My Property?

Courts aim to divide property in a way that is fair to both spouses. This does not, however, mean that your property will be divided evenly. Rather, the court considers:

  • The length of the marriage
  • The health of both spouses
  • Both spouses’ ability to work
  • Any claims of abuse or fault

It’s important to know that any property you own independently of your spouse is not subject to division.

Why Should I Hire Danielsen Westhoff, PC?

With a combined 15 years of experience, at Danielsen Westhoff, PC, we understand your family’s needs. We can help you manage your divorce effectively and with discretion. We will make sure you are taken care of and help you with every step along the way.

Let us get started on your divorce. Call us to schedule an initial consultation at 720-739-1770​ or email us today.